2005-08-22  来源:信息中心

    九、合作方式: 独资
    联系人:严旭明  熊跃武
    电  话:(0839)7205657  7809938

Eco - Tourism Development of Tangjia River

——Yinping Ancient Path

    Project Name: Eco-Tourism Development Of Tangjia River--Yinping Ancient Path
    Sponsor: Administrative Office Of Tangjia Natural Reserve
    Address: Tangjia River Natural Reseree, Qingchuan
    Contents: In the Qingxi - Motian Section of Yinping Ancient  Path of  Qingchuan,  to construct a tourist reception center, which receives tourists on holiday, relax, prevent summer and hold meetings. To rebuild two natural villages, pavilions and cabins in the 50 cultural and natural sights. Thus restore the ancient Qingxi Village. To build more than 20 km mountain path, plank roads 1000m, and make it into a hot tourist spot in the Jiuzhai Valley circle.
    Construction Conditions: Tangjia River Natural Reserve is approved to set by the State Council in 1978, which is a state - level natural reserve to protect pandas, golden monkeys, such rare animals. Inside the reserve, there are many rare animals and plants such as pandas, yaking, golden monkeys, and davidia involucrate firs. With the forest coverage of 98%, it is an ideal research sit e, as well as a beautiful tourist resort. Yinping ancient path is an important p ass in Qingchuan in the history, leaving us with rich cultures of three kingdoms . In the year 229, Zhu Geliang’s consultant Liao Hua once farmed the land and qu artered his troops here. Qingxi Village in this district has a very long history, and many historical sites, such as "Huayan Temple", which was built in the early Ming dynasty for Emperor Wen to live reclusively, gaoyangtou, where Zhu Geliang in the Three Kingtom once stationed his troops, and the site of Deng Ai enter ing Sichuan.
    Investment budget: The total investment is 520, 000, 000 RMB.
    Market Forecast:  When  the  project is completed, it will be the scenic spot in Jiuzhai circle, which will attract some tourists starting from Chengdu to go through Guangmian Express Way to Jinzi Mountain, visiting this spot and then going to Jiuzhai Valley. It has great economic profit. If it can attract 20% of the total tourists going to Jiuzhai, the lowest number of tourists received here every y ear is 200,000. Within eight years, the investment return will be 480,000,000 RM B. The 200,000,000 RMB real estate business in Qingxi ancient town will has its investment return.
    Prophase work: The preliminary plan is made.
    Cooperation mode: self - investment
    Contact: Yan Xuming, Xiong Yaowu
    Tel: (0839)7205637, 7809938


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